People i trust @Discdog1000 Yup the rest i trust just not as much as her, plus idk the other peoples username :D
What about iaff @Meowmix
Hey :D I like what us tagged me in :'D "the guy with a plan" couldn't stop laughing
It's killing the noobs* and makeing you lose members on factions due to the "cheaters" it gets annoying very easily
ign: brant2 offenders ign: unknown Evidence: Suggestions: I suggest we get rid of /heal (name) i do say Titans should have heal but not able to...
Your point being?
More notes for mods. And another ode see Ign: IAFF Evidence: Ofense: foul language (Fgt-fagot, rekt-I will get messed up by him)
More examples
He recently has been doing this on opfactions but he does it to everyone on the server in ever lobby
ign: brant2 Offenders ign: connorNFLD Offense: foul and offensive language Evidence:
Hose are spammer bots?
Ign: brant2 Offenders ign: stalkazz Rule broken: spam/hacks Evidence:
I think your just lagging. Just like when u reported me for reach hacks when you were just lagging.
Go to my information to see the full story as to why my fac names are always Vipers and the history about me
Alright so felt like updating, I'm quitting MV for a bit (or forever)...
Your afk on minecraft to look at forums? :D #AfkDogsGotNoLyfe
alright just to make it clearer. I died to _nightshadows_ and kidztv stole my sword, so I said ill pay for it, and he said how much, I said well I...
IGN: brant2 Offenders IGN: KiDzTV Rule Broken: Scamming Evidence:
Ign: brant2 Offenders ign: littlebreaches Rule broken: spam tpa, and won't stop to Anything I say Evidence: