can you please get rid of the fireworks when you use serrated strike ect. Everytime someone uses it the fireworks pop up and everyone gets less...
in the first pic of me looking at the red corner of spawn in chat says "brant2: clacko1 I xxbekillinxx" "clacko1: duhh dumb***"
there is even more evidence but I will stop here @Discdog1000
ign: brant2 offenders ign: xxbekillinxx reason: spamming offensive language and disrespectful sentences evidence:
ok? I have no clue howi put it in the wrong area. why isn't there a player in game report? @coleweber
ign:brant2 offenders ign: Zero_inzanity offence: hacking, and threatening to use kill aura evidence:
Quite i did make mistakes i typed it at like 1 am lol so yes my apollogies but i do not play as oftenas i used to so it doesnt really matter
Ill be a secrete santa too @BlockheroRS XD cause i dont play survival on dec 25th ill do free enchants and a $1.000 titan kit (i usually sell my...
Go to my information tab to see the story
Come see my story at @Discdog1000 @MorganCraft10 @IAFF @IN1NJAI @D1amondF1nder11 @Th3Nick56...
Most Of My Friends Are Being Hacked To Turn Against Me, But That Wont Stop Me From Server Wide Domination. i Am The Vipers Owner.
copy and paste the template and answer the questions. It costs 50k and 10 power to join. The template is: What is your age: How long do you play...
You need atleast 50k and 10 power to join the fac
The upgrading template is good except you will also pay 50k to upgrade
copy and paste the template and answer the questions. The template is: What is your ign: What is your donation rank: What is your age: How long...
Then make another @Meowmix
Become a recruit disc
@Discdog1000 @Meowmix
Well im glad you posted this google :) but its now 50k and you need at the very least 9power. I do not play regular factions that much anymore....