okay, thank you for the comment. hope to see you another time.
Support, Good Luck Morgan! Im in the same position :p
i am starting to get into the habit of joining all gamemodes and playing for a bit, and asking if anyone wants my help with anything. and under...
Ok thanks for replying?
Iaff i have not seen you in 5montgs and i play factions. I report you for disrespect and im not the only one. Talk to me on my profile if you want...
Thank you for replying, what would you suggest i change?
What could i do to change what you think about me?
what could i change to make you support me possibly, though i can change some stuff. But just know not everyone can please everyone on earth, and...
Ive said in the above chat that i can change that, but ty for responding
I will, i will just have to get into the habit of switching around, and not get drowned into the game mode. Lol
-= How old are you? =- I am 15 years old -= Your in-game name: =- Brant2 -= What time zone are you in? =- Eastern Standard Time -= What...
Ign: brant2 Offenders Ign: _MEGA_COOKIE_ Offense: Advertising and offensive language use. Evidence:
@Vipers4TheWin btw i did quit
i found out we have /setcrate (crate) and i fixed it, but i dont know if you wont to get rid of this command for us or not. personally i think you...
even more evidence smh= so much hate kys= kill your self iaff has done more stuff but ill just stop here, after this report ill be reporting...
more evidence
IGN: brant2 Offenders IGN: __WhippKream__ original name was IAFF but he changed it to __WhippKream__ Offence: Disrespecting,...
here is iaff afk grinding just some more evidence as to why he should not be allowed on factions [MEDIA]
[IMG] [IMG] just some more evidence