Dont be a retard...
English is my third language, can you please point out my grammatical errors?
Its funny how stupid you are. Well they ban players who say a swear word, head over to the reports section of the forums to see that. You are the...
Hey if you dont like what ive written gouge out your eyes, so you cant see it anymore. Simple as that!
Are you stupid or just plain retarded?
Oh boo hoo it wasnt obviously humor...the most politically correct person on Mineverse strikes again.
This is exactly what happens, but in a much larger context. Its said to see this server (or any server) become politically correct.
You: WAAAAA this guy said i was (insert insult), im now going to cry till staff bans this guy!!! Staff: How dare they use a harmless insult on...
Look up dysgenics it will explainexplain
Telling people that trolling is bullying is correct?
Go away no one likes you or ever has
Your first line said- mind linking the website you found this? Which indicates that you did admit to believing it
You actually believed this? What an idiot
I'll make an exeption for you
You my friend @Conor Walton are an IDIOT
How is promoting my ice cream business make me a pervert. Your jealous of my revenue
I crai
I sell ice cream that's so good that kids pay me for it
It's in my garage?