Disguise plugin wasn't updated to 1.8
And I'm a member again, just great.
:o a First funny rating you gave was to me :)
IGN- joe_694 Reason why you should receive the rank/rankup - I mostly play factions and survival, I want titan, because there kit in factions is...
Support :)
@Samad Afzalee @sam! @iSpecForever @_u2ez_ @RottenPigs @EnderStevePigMan @toru10 @jakechao @SwordzAndHordz @henriford123 @xxxvan
ign: joe_694 Donor rank: God Do I know you? No How will I trust you? I'll give you my kit How often do you go on factions? everyday
Yup, you can see the ips
No Support.
@RottenPigs @Devin_0428 toru10 @sam! @juljul232 @henriford123
Congrats on mod!
HBD :)
No Support 1. Don't include your rank 2. Add color 3. Add more information
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