Banned for not following me
yeah dats right
HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO U HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ive never met you have i (awkward silence)
Banned for your avatar being cute
(That was meant for Mr parkour)i ban myself for being 2 seconds to late in putting a post on
Banned for having the stupidest ban on this thing (Seriously? Banned for something LAMMEE)
Banned for being racist to waffles
?? Banned for being confusing
Banned for being the 680 Post which means your 20 away from 700
Banned for your pic looking gay
Banned for denying me on your creative plot a couple months ago because minecraftXploder (whatever his name is) made a miley cyrus statue on your...
Banned for being stupid (JK)
Banned for carrying a sword without a license
Banned for not noticing mine
Banned for liking potatoes
Banned for saying that Pokemon is EXTREMELY AWESOME
Banned for being so confusing i pooped myself
Banned for replying because im mean to myself
i already said that
Banned for pooping on justin beiber