Top of the mornin' to ya!
Pleaseeee lul
Is it Friday yet? :/
But did John Wick train Connor from Beyond Human or did Connor train John Wick? :O
You deserve it!! Congrats to you <3
Finish the lyric :P - I get knocked down...
Just done campaign, really enjoyed it
Just got home from work, gonna boot it up and play the campaign, I am the same not played COD a good few years but this Cold War looks promising.
New COD or nah? :P
Anyone up for Survival or nah? :P :P I'll be there for abit :)
Lets do this > 1
Happy Friday! whooop
Hmm very interesting ;P
Do I get a RTX 30 series or the new AMD RX series? LUL
So what is everyone up to? :P
When you become the lone wolf in work.... Help???
IGN: Subsassaree Discord: TheNerd#5736 [IMG]
Not too bad, done my work for today so :)