Here is the official trailer of "Avengers Age Of Ultron" [media] Is anyone else excited?
If you like zombie, then you'll be happy to hear this. [media]
Bye :(.
Your Ingame Name : kzhalps Your Age : 12 Your Skype : You already have it. Why do you want to be in this clan? because im a good friend of your...
Support :)
No Support.
no support.
There only one thing I have to say Skydiver and its ... :lol:
NO SUPPORT lel jk Support.
We know 1.8 has come out. but last night people were saying that was a name change, is really gonna? (Y/N)
Will there be name change in 1.8? Discuss below! :)
Okay, fine I won't disband It but I will be promoting someone to Admin with in the next few days.
Sometimes is can take like 30 min for baltop to update