Support, about the sibling problem, most hackers are trolling and probably won't have their siblings playing Mineverse. About the vpn, same thing,...
Thank you for doing so!
This whole survey is towards the big question: Does a reset need to happen? And if it does or doesn't, what needs to be fixed. S30 used to be...
I think OP is an easier game mode to get rich compared to other game modes. You can probably ask a titan to give you one and they might give one,...
Its called OP, but there is still a thing called "balance". It wouldn't be fun if there was nothing to work for, and sharp 30 is the most valuable...
I feel this wouldn't make a difference honestly. People who get supported and accepted are usually those who have over 1000 posts, have been...
Thank you
Nope, been here for awhile. Probably longer than Jazzical haha Edit: I really like Jazzical's name though, its very clever
I support, I also made a thread with similar ideas in regards to kits and it got bashed as well. Honestly if kits are thrown out, Mineverse is...
I'm asking about a donor rank because I feel like they would be more likely to obtain a sharp 30 and gapples. I want to know the perspective of...
That question is more to see why people select their answers. Put yes because you do have a rank. Btw you are the first I've seen get mod without...
I've been grounded so I play very late, I've been playing OP for over 3 years. Thank you!
I wish it were that easy, people buy ranks usually just for the kit and the useful commands. People will not buy ranks because they come with a...
The kits would be sold ALSO with in game money, thus everyone has access to it. Spawners would also be sold in game so EVERYONE would have access...
I made this survey on Google forms about the current state of OP PvP. If you're an active OP PvP player please fill this out: [spoiler]
That's why I'm suggesting an in game spawner shop.
I know this like the hundredth thread about the EULA, and the main one mainly discusses what needs to taken out of Mineverse in order to be...
Here's the thing though, the owners want to keep the server going strong and make profit themselves, because who knows, this might be their only...
Honestly removing all these commands would make god just as valuble as mvp. Also you can give these commands to everyone (like pvs and /echest on...
Maybe instead of selling ranks, just sell the kits? I know kits are the main thing that people buy ranks for, but this is a way that donating is...