wow, ban evading, nice life
he got banned for it on
Snoch uses autoclicker LOL
Hmmm still not sorted out I see
"I'm lowkey like a locksmith on both knees"
B boi >:O
You can give them perms for one area where they can do as ever they want
u do realize u can give members only access to one room or whatever...
cant log into my mc account ;/
: > hehehehe
whats that?!!?!
@WiiTarded he wants you to join him and he doesn't even hack... xD
Yeah, but itd be savage
also all the safezoners+bad players wouldn't play because they would get rekt so only good people would play :>
Just a suggestion but you should make a huge obby wall all the way around the spawn :)
@WiiTarded he claims he "is one of the best" or something.... let's raid him :>
It could be called UHC :>