Bye ); its been like 40days of supporting and no mod.....JK XD
it was my Birthday like 6 days ago but happy birthday Jibonbdcraft i am kinda crying right no no one celebrated and happy birthday'd me but this...
wbc hi upgrade me to elite :) pl0x
I am done,just done if you nu give lola mod i will suicide!......
sciberboy and lola gg you both titan's
Hey guys back from my long trip!!
wait pile_of_butts is 36 and plays minecraft O.O
Omg Notch give lola like superAdmin of Minecaft already! ;P
ok Lola I havnt been on a while I have a lot of alerts and I dont know why you didn't get mod yet? there was like 80 supports you should get in a...
i got tons of noobcrew i think ^.^
Suuuuupppporrrtttt suppppppoooorrrt suuuppppporttt if i didnt then suppopppooooioiiorrrrrrrrrurtururu iimmm sure youll geeettttt moooodd:spam: :>
Madison I never see you around on the mineverse servers butfrom the chances of infinity and google I would give you google support (btw google is...
im serious it wasnt me i gave someone my account and he said he will buy me god rank
this wasnt me........
for sure madison is going to get mod shes nice pretty and a really good member on mineverse one of the best
no you get promoted to mvp
i hope you like my comment