Fair point
Im the opposite
Yeah fair point
I'm banned from hypixel, the only other one I can think of is mineplex
So a lot of people have been going on about the EULA rules which mean that Mineverse won't be able to charge for ranks ( unless they stay below...
How'd I lock it?!
PENDING I'll need to discuss with Corn and the coleaders
ACCEPTED Reason:Your goodish Instant promotion: Co-leader, we need a new one
Hey guys. Before we start this, I just want to say that my channel ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtdcuULqvsCPZkWIPVu3fg ) will defo not get...
It's not meant to be banana ...
Here is every mod application in a nutshell. There are lots of good applications which I couldn't do, but here is what every noob moderator...
ACCEPTED Reason: You used to be the best on Bedwars Instant promotion: Co-leader
ACCEPTED Reason: I've seen you around a lot Instant promotion: You're still quite new so not at the minute
K, come on bedwars now and we'll discuss it
Recently Cornmuncher and I decided to make a bedwars clan. It went quite well, and a few others have decided to make their own. So, why don't we...
Yep , ACCEPTED Intant promotion: Elder
Same here, doesnt work
ACCEPTED Reason: I've seen you a few times, your quite good Instant promotion: None, your pretty new!