I used hacks for one day. That guy who posted me of "hacking" was not true. I stop using hacks for one day because thats how long it lasted
I wasn't banned for scam. I was banned for hacking and Ban Evading
How is countless of times if its only been 2 times? O_o
We are.
Lots of times...
If you want more screenshots, I have a lot more :)
I have seen you rage... No support
1. Your ingame name: Punisher135709 2. The offender's ingame name: wweblackbelt , gamergirl1225 , and Cyber_slayer1233 3. A description of what...
Oh okay...
I haven't swore for a long time. When I Ban Evaded, That person said those words
Oh xD
Oh, and don't put your friends as Moderator. It's not going to make your chances higher. :bored:
No support. I have seen you hack in skywars and you are very rude.
Thank you for all the supporters :D
Mods close this please :)
Its in-game money
1. Your ingame name: Punisher135709 2. The offender's ingame name: VIPER1220 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising
Thank you
I was being dumb and Commander in Kit PvP. I was wondering if I could get my kit back in Kit PvP. Titan.