Strive to be the best you can be everyday.
I Would Have Supported you if you wrote a proper reason why you think you should become mod
Support i also made a thread about the ignore command being on all gamemodes i hope it will work
No Pokemaniac i didnt record but i just took screenshots and ThePlCookie i dont have a texture pack :P
i watched it but im sure this person hacks because he was flying away to the other maps etc
Your ingame name: Agilities The offender's ingame name: ZeldaTheoi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying in infected...
Your ingame name: Agilities The offender's ingame name: ZeldaThoi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying in Infected...
Support you really took your time to write the mod app Good Luck!
Hey Canucks :D
Hey Shadow ! :D
No Support Sadly Because you are a new member i would have supported you, if you were not a New member :(
Good Friend :D
That is actually really good nice idea :D
But its not for all gamemodes thats the problem
I want to give a suggestion if the Owner or mods Put a Ignore command on every gamemode because there are alot of people spamming and annoying me...
Your ingame name: Agilities The offender's ingame name: Scorpio_Venom A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abusing me...
Everyone has a happy ending, If your not happy its not the End
Good Luck Support!
My Birthday!
Your ingame name: Agilities The offender's ingame name: Owenbbc76 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying in Infection...