@Mincrosoft this dude up here ^ i met him bc he was cool and he still is. and yeah. we met on this server when another friend introduced him to me
How many times have you gave up on life ;-;
@Blueman05 @Mincrosoft @VirtualBones @NoHaxJustFade
yum yum
i like memes, allot of em :>
can i have memes
blu are we friends? or are we fo's?
i have the best t pack
close this up any mods?
I need help, Do you have to have an account from minecraftservers to have your name put on the board?
Support, You've always been doing a great job man.
Give me an hour or more
Support :p
Hi, I am le skin maker I can make you a pretty intense skin this is what you do to make me, make you a skin. 1) Tell me your forum name 2) HOW...
Alright, close this up?
Oh, Thank you. If i change it will I be unbanned if i create a forum post?