Oh yea thanks :P kinda forgot about that xD
just added the new questiuons
Thanks :P
sure meet me on
oh lol
yea, I'll try xD But I'm serious do you want a tp?
1: what do you mean by "these" 2: I found them on MV you can get on facs and I'll tp you there if you want
Next objective: [ATTACH]<-- wanna find that
its at the edge of the world[ATTACH]
Ok I have had enough with the lame shop on factions, so I'm saying something about it, 1: We need more items in the shop, there plenty of extra...
Ok thanks, maybe you are in a different timezone than me?
Its a yes with me, we need a pot brewer
Well you said another sentence about another server
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] sorry for posting, but I have more evidence
happy b-dAY!!!