I'm going with neutral for now, as I have never seen you in-game or on the forums. Good Luck.
That is one of the main parts!
I may randomly pop on every once in awhile, so you can see me on sometimes.
I plan to come back in maybe 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the amount of motivation I end up feeling. Thank you guys for being there, I'll talk to...
Sorry everyone, but I'm going to take a temporary break from playing minecraft. I'm just not feeling inspired to play so I'm taking a break.
This is the "R3D Phantom PvP texture pack. And he is wearing the enchanted diamond armor.
you know it :D
Well waffles are fabulous, so he's rocking it either way :D
He is a moderator. Probably had a username change.
Well that isn't very positive.
This discussion was made mostly to show BlackZone514 my texture pack, and how he looked. Not a debate on how he looks.
BlazkZone14 posed for this, and he was looking great, and cool in this pack! [ATTACH]
Sorry, No Support. -Much more information -Follow the correct format:...
Relaxing time :D
@bruhgrier yeah :D
Having Fun under the sun! :D
@CosmicGalaxy32 thank you :D
Having a great time being 16 :D
Thanks! Hope you have a wonderful day!
@RebornWolf I did :P Thank you for caring :D