Wanna truce my clan?!
Member/Mod/Admin Permmisions Member: Can only join skype calls. Mod: Temp kick and Temp accept with mine or BMANVT's perm. Admin:...
Yes we can if we get betrayed.
As a reminder of the In-Game names. Owner: Killedlikeaboss Co-Owner: BMANVT
These are the ranks. Member: A free rank when your accepted. Mod: 100$ In game money to me or BMANVT. Admin: 200$ Same perks as...
Hackers not aloud
Pile you can join
In this clan we will accept anyone/ally requests so have fun. <3
Thanks pile <3
This is a clan not a war ground.
@LordNinja421 Please leave.
This will be a fun clan we dont care/mind what armor you got BMANVT will give a free kit god every 15mins
Just leave if you have nothing nice to say.
I use __TNUK__ forums account because my Killedlikeaboss one banned
Killedlikeaboss is my account and __TNUK__ is my brothers account.
Hey whats up guys you wanna join don't hack and this is a clan me and BMANVT making to have a op team. Fill out this template to join. 1. Your...
We should make a clan now I can play kitpvp on Killedlikeaboss you can be Co-Owner
The Hidden is what I need to tell the mods but I say it here. I got DdoSed
Age 14 - Skype Name Killedlikeaboss - How much time have you have been playing KitPvP 7months FTW - Gender ( Doesn't Affect Recruitment) Male -...