Do you want a clan rank? Mini-Mod: 100$ kitpvp money to me then you get that rank read at top for perms. Mod: Same as Mini-Mod but costs 150$...
Have you got Skype if so pm me it their will be a Skype call for us all I am going to make it when I can or @BMANVT can or @PixieSkyler could....
Is this factions?
Lock/archive video wont upload
Yeah well I don't care I get a full kit god off my god friend :P lets add this on the Mineverse 1.8 update
My yt saying over 400mins to upload!!!
Try in like 2hous 30min its uploading
But them ranks are so hard to kill
Your ingame name: Killedlikeaboss The offender's ingame name: xXEpicChrisXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacks...
Yeah but /kit axe will have a sharp 10 axe instead of adding them into the votes or make a kit for armor stack of pearls sharp 10 sword sharp 10...
Like on Kit PvP I use to have 7 sharp 5 axes and we need to add a sharp 10 axe in the votes and a sharp5 axe in the /kit op or make a kit called...
That's what the all say and you can't force me to unwatch this sorry
Should I support or not NO No support for 2 reasons. 1. You use to disrespect me on kitpvp. 2. You hack.
Axes in op pvp can we add them!
Aye call me a noob again and I will wreck you down!!!!
I know so I wont get the rank
What about me I got 500334 kills on op pvp D:
Забранен е за това, че Noobs = Banned for being noobs
Chinise hahahaha anyway. Забранен е за това, че Noobs