Maxninja10, i was falsely banned for hacking. Can you get back to me so we can talk about me getting banned on op pvp? -Woodenplank
I was falsely banned. Make the dude post the video again and talk to me.I wasn't hacking. - Woodenplank
I think, like skywars or skyblock one of the two, that you can buy money on the server. The server now has a shop and some people can't get kills...
Sharpness 30's and sharpness 25's.
Your ingame name: aaragorn1 The offender's ingame name: Verden1234 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Not for sure if...
Soupatchspartan also said this.
Your ingame name:aaragorn1 The offender's ingame name:C2411 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: admitting to hacking...
It says you do not have permission to do this.
On op pvp i was enderpearling and then i ended up in a tree. Well my bottom half body is visible but i cant enderpearl out. Not only that but...
Your ingame name: aaragorn1 The offender's ingame name: Kairsmankarim A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking/flying...
Your ingame name: aaragorn1 The offender's ingame name: Kanobijones ObeyTheAsian and xxjamesbaxterxx A description of what rule they broke/how...
idk what this is suppose to look like so i just posted the pictures.
click the image and do conrtol +
ok now if you zoom in on the one where you see coolguy or what ever in front of me you see kairman`s or something name tag in the air then on the...