I want to know if I should apply to be guard on prison. I want to know some opinions. Comment below? Or should I wait awhile longer?!
Mod mod mod mod mod mod for bananas
Yo Julian
I wished I capitalised my c for Changeh #regrets
Support!! Good luck!! <33
Support! I've known you for quite awhile. Good luck!
no support, there isn't enough detail to explain your points.
Ily bby <3
You're my fave bae. Tell Jason to be jealous <3
Wtf? Come back, please. You're such a sweet guy. I love you <3
WHY DISLIKE @steeldragon
Dem melons doe.
Support! Helpful In prison, also well written report! :p
Death note!
Prison is love. Prison is life. Except for being free I mean, you're out of the prison haha.
Trust you too :)