HELP! MCMMO Is saying it's not working and to contact the Server Owner. I lost everything in my Enderchest and Inventory! For Armor I had...
Yes lol this is gonna be hell for me but you may close it.
So I made my nether portal on towny and... I can't go into the nether. Therefore, I can't kill blazes for blaze rods and I cannot make potions....
There can be a lot of players on OP Pvp too. Edit: Oh, woops you did mention that.
Well you did say if it was reset but since the thread is based on the fun of the game and how it runs, and not what people have, I'll add you as...
Sorry Forgot Towny Added now. Is that your choice?
I vote infection :P Btw I dont count as first reply.
Hey Guys, NeonSlimer Here! I decided to make a special thread to discover the most loved gamemodes in Mineverse. Simply reply with the gamemode...
Idk if your still doing them, and we haven't really talked that much, but Why not? :D
OBS (Open Broadcasting Software)
Hey :D
RIP NeonSlimer
Lol it's nearing the end of 2016 so he kinda has.
Lol Hey Stacker.
Thanks Auzzi
Your In-Game Name: NeonSlimer Do you have Skype: Yes, but I don't give it out. Do you have a rank?: God Have you ever been banned in the past? (If...
Neutral. I know you and see you a lot in game and your always kind, however I feel sometimes you act a little bit immature in-game. I won't state...
Support for Speed II but not for Strenth II Only Srength I. Wow, that was similar to EccentricPotatos post. Well anyway thats what I think.
Support, although I think it's not on there cause it's a towny beta, unless it got out of beta, Im not sure. Anyway I would recommend a stone...