she gives everyone stress *^* ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:~: true!
welcome to le forums :D
I have a feeling we will get along great ^-^ hah!
*Throws hotpocket at DiSKillinq* :D bb I'm sorry I didn't see you der <:
Okay 0 .0 xD
yea, you're probably right.
Oh my.... I missed everything D: ..... I'm scared she going to come back :0
immature *^*
don't worry ^0^ if I was lying id tell you cause I see you as a friend :D
She's a little twelve year old brat that threatens to ddos, and dox, she hacks etc..... I looked stuff up and I found out she has a youtube...
@finchkitty i'm actually no this "baby_12_34" character thing! BAHAH she seems rude ;~;
Ill try to when I get my pc fixed
Sure :D (:
infections and opfactions!
Aye boo