Wow Nice
Can I habe pizza pls?
I wanted the staff to know how much I'm not...fond of them so I knew by saying that I'd get banned so I prepared for it
100 subs? Wow I have 5 subs get on my lvl
Same none of my friends ever log on other then 1 and she logs on like every 7 days Sad to see you go tho bye
@Teeeb being salty
Cool This comment makes no sense A. I cant fanGIRL over things cause im a male B. marilyn manson and john cooper isn't dead? C. Marilyn Manson...
Not me I get them on time
Am I not banned yet? Ive been offensive told the mods to go f them selves Just insulted them BAN OR MUTE ME ALREADY JFC
Same im only still here for one friend if she wasn't here I woulda been gone
Atleast u see for the way it actually is
Omfg plz stop ive gotten 42 alerts and its all this plz stop
Dog so horny it drooling semen out of its mouth
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