Lol I was on my tablet and used whatever was suggested next
Killing my self becuz of that now thanks
Have u guys even read the text? Lmao
Can u really not tell im switching the first letters around
? Just wondering
I dunno
Get a profile picture nurd
Ok then...what do you play? Smash bros n sh*t? Lmao try watch dogs 2 or gta v
Sup bruh
So I'll be on the best way to home depot and I was just gonna do u know have what u it gonna go to see the best way to go to back bed love you...
I think we have enough mods and your not on everyday
C ya next month bye for now
Yeah I don't necessarily like moderators but random was one of the good ones #DemoteCyp Wouldn't be surprised if I was banned the next day if...
I predict it'll end in September
Mmm neutral
oh yeah same i'd be so pissed
Wait so you did see Logan right ?