IGN: Samuelgamer123 Rule Broken: Flying in lobby Offender: ford554 Evidence: Screenshots below
IGN: Samuelgamer123 What they did wrong: Illegal Pet ( Giant Slime ) Offender: KlutzyGiant4 Evidence: [media] You can see the slime is clearly...
1. Samuelgamer123 2. jackinatoner 3. Kill Aura and Aimbot ( Recorded this about 2 weeks ago. I forgot to post it ) 4. [media]
[IMG] Welcome to The clan ⓍOGPvPⓍ This is an kitpvp clan/team that only is for one purpose to put all of the OG (Original) Pvpers into one team,...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: rascalcarson Rule they broke- Using an illegal sword Evidence: Screenshot
I was thinking about they put an end to God Armour in KitPvP. Maybe NoobCrew or CypriotMerks can make a server to were Kit Fight maybe comes with...
IGN: samuelgamer123 Offending players: porkchop141 & Zekro320 Rule They Broke: Zekro- Kill Aura and Aimbot...
IGN: samuelgamer123 Rule They Broke- Hacking With Auto Disconnect Offender: LilCris11 Proof/Evidence: [media]
IGN: samuelgamer123 Rule They Broke: Hacking with nuker hacks Offender: LilCris11 Proof/Evidence:[media]
IGN: samuelgamer123 Rule they broke- Having NON-wooden Swords Refering Player: whitettiger Evidence: ScreenShots
IGN: samuelgamer123 Rule they broke- Having swords that arent wooden Refering too- (Look at the video discriptions if you can not see their name...
Skyplots? Maybe edit some of the plotme plugin yo were you could buy a 30x30 plot for 20-30 emeralds? Chest sign Shops?...
Hey Guys Samuelgamer123 And this is my Mod Application For mineverse.com...
IGN: samuelgamer123 Reporting on: MrAwesome__7 & josefine13579 AntiKb killaura and aimbot Proof:[media]
IGN: samuelgamer123 Reporting on: Mick2802 - Anti Kb kilaura & aimbot Proof:[media]
IGN: samuelgamer123 Reporting on: explomis - anti Kb aimbot & killaura Proof:[media]
1. My IGN: samuelgamer123 2. Offender: ToxicVenomGuy Proof : [media]