IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: sliperyxsnake Rule(s) Broken: Flashing Aura Evidence: [media] [Edit]- As you see at 12 seconds he flash's and has...
Alright So I have been working on KitPvP For my server and I found an AMAZING plugin while doing so! It features ranks that player can have,...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: KroesKoppie Rule broken: Aura and Aimbot Evidence: [media] You can see at the start he switches around and hits The...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: Lil_Menice13 Rule Broken: Flashing PvP Hacks Evidence: [media] At 4-5 Seconds I see He swings is head back very...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: BigSmasher24 Rule Broken: Spam/ Foul Language and Admitting to doing it Evidence:...
Here u are guessing how... There is 3 types of effects that give a player an advantage. 1. Enchants 2. Potion Effects or any others that cannbe...
I am very upset that when everyone Disliked and even hated @Daddy Mod Application. Look I bet EVERYONE of your parents told you like my mom did...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: scout_at_war Rule broken: Anti Kb with P-Plates Evidence: [media] Throughout the vid he doesnt get knocked off the...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender(s): CoolBoyMC and xbassmastax Rule Broken: Fast Bow Hacks 3rd time! O.o Evidence: [media]
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender(s): hunter12112 And Potter2001 Rule Broken: Fast Bow hacks Evidence: [media]
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: TumboEmil Rule Broken: Fast Bow Hacks Evidence: [media] I dont have to point anything out! :D xP
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: LiutenantVin Rule broken: Aimbot and Aura hacks. Evidence: [media] You can see at 5-6 seconds he facing forward and...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: Braden16 Rule Broken: Aimbot and Aura hacks Evidence [media] 15-22 seconds you can see clear hacks :)
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: bdog20037 Rule Broken: Aimbot and Aura hacks. Evidence: [media] At 30-32 You can see head turns :)
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender MarcusJohnGraham Rule Broken: Aimbot and Aura mods Evidence: [media] You can see that clear unfair advantage at 21-24...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: minyE123 Rule Broken: Bow Aimbot, Aura and Aimbot Evidence: [media] Clear evidence at 30-32 seconds
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: AmazoNukkah Rule they broke: Aimbot and Aura Hacks. Evidence: 1. [media] - You can see at 21-22 seconds clear...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: treelegs Rule they broke: PvP mods (Aimbot and Aura) Evidence: [media] You can see at 3-5 Seconds Her Head swings...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: Snudude Rules Broken: Aimbot and Aura Hacks. Evidence :[media] You can see at 18-20 seconds that His aimbot has...
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Rule he broke: Aimbot and Aura Hacks Offender: GOD_OF_PVP14. Evidence: [media] You can see at 4-5 seconds in that he turns....