You act immature in-game and as you said you don't care, so why even apply? Also please don't make statements when you have no idea what you're...
No support. I like you as a person Herf but you don't take this seriously at all. You wouldn't fit this position now, but there's always room for...
No support, reasons stated.
No support. On OPPvP we already have "/Heal" and all of the donor kits, so why remove "/Heal" from KitPvP? And to be honest it's rarely used...
Support, this would be great.
No support. I hardly see you in-game anymore, and become more active on the Forums. I also feel that this position wouldn't suit you at all....
No support. We have never encountered each-other in-game so I will not comment on your behavior. However you could improve your activity of...
Neutral, although you're a kind person I feel that you're not quite ready just yet, however with time you can be. I feel that you have applied to...
Name on picture (if any): Jubba Picture/Skin Link: Face Expression (Smile, Grin, etc): Smile Thank you! :) And...
We used to talk in-game, but it's alright.
It was nice having you. You'll be greatly missed :)
- Jubba - ChampsZin - Bhop, Kill-Aura [MEDIA]
-Jubba - CaptBlueWolf626 - Foul language, and bypass. -
No support, you do not meet the Staff requirements. The Requirements 50 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. 2 Weeks...
Looks suspicious to me
Support. This would greatly helpful for Moderators. And for all of those who claim that they can "abuse", how? Moderators are trusted, therefore...