No support, you do not meet the Staff requirements and you're not active enough. Good luck.
Here's a free hug
No support, you do not meet the Staff requirements. Good luck.
Just apply for Moderator if you'd like the position. There's no point in asking the community as it may come across as needy.
The server doesn't just consist of EU players, there are US, AU and many more. That way it is fair for everyone, and although the server does lag...
Sah dude
Support, great idea.
How would you get spammed with alters whilst you're sleeping? Even on a phone you have to access the Forums via Google. No support.
Why not, support.
Neutral. I enjoyed reading your application and you're quite active on the Forums, however I don't see you so much in-game. I suggest working on...
Can't connect either..
Neutral. Well written application, you have done a fair amount of reports however I have never met you in-game and you're new to the Forums. Once...
Welcome to the Forums! If you have any questions or need help then please feel free to ask.
You were trying to open the chests by clicking on the sign, maybe try clicking on the chest? Otherwise I don't know what the issue could be.
Being white isn't a nationality, it's a race.
Welcome back
Although this has been suggested several times, support.
Happy B day
Thank you! Thanks! Yes exactly. Thank you!
The reason why players judge applicants by the amount of reports that they have done is because, by doing reports you're benefiting the server and...