who even are you lmao? anyway grats
as if u wouldve chosen me anyway lol
Matey, that screenshot is yours and your L is thinner, now don't go on saying that it's "your texture pack" because if it was the L's would be the...
Never use the "n" word, it is extremely racist. Racism and sexism is everywhere whether we like it or not it is what it is. The best we can do is...
yes please
Okay, so it took me a good 5 minutes to figure out which screenshot is photoshopped. Now I will break this down so you'll understand. This is...
Despite what others will say about you, know that you did your best and that's all that matters. Thank you for your service towards this server.
1- Jubba 2- MysticShadows124 3- Kill-Aura, Anti-Kb 4- [MEDIA]
Take a screenshot of the conversation you were having with Plouuu before, and if he does Photoshop the photo then you'll have proof that it is fake.
Thank you for your service Nanurz, good luck in your future. :)
What's your favorite thing about Mineverse?
Thank you for your service.
No support. You're not active enough and your application and I rarely see you anymore. Good luck.
Although you have changed sort of I am going to have to go with neutral. Until I see improvement in your attitude I cannot support you. Good luck.
Neutral. If players in general could help out then that'd be much easier, instead of creating a "Helper" rank which would complicate things.
Looks really nice, support! :)
Grats on 3k messages