I plan to add more custom ones. Some of them are already custom, but like 2 of them XD Anyways yes, definitely.
I'm not the best at those details, which is why I'm asking for help here. Thank you though ^_^
So you're saying that 10 of your bans weren't false? You have literally no right to say anything about staff until you have been one. I have been...
IGN/Team Name: SteveKitten Map Name: Seasons Gamemode for Map: Infection Description of Map: All four seasons, new lobby, new parkour, new look....
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Stevenator11 The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Stevenator11 This happens on the Infection server. The...
I made it to rank P by myself again, it was not resolved for me personally I guess, but I'll be fine. Thank you.
Today I voted and I didn't receive my levels of XP in Infection... it happened yesterday as well so I decided to record today as to make sure that...
Okay, sorry about that I wasn't sure. I just think it's already a little unfair (because I have no irl money XD) but that was a little too far if...
I was playing Infection just a few minutes ago (2/22/15) and I saw some person in diamond armor in the side of this room. I tried to kill him, but...
Plots are broken atm. I'm not sure why yours says it has no owners, but most of ours do. To get to your plot you have to do /p tp -78;-60 (Those...
You have the same name on forums as my friend on another forums and seem to be just as addicted and its scaring me. XD
For all of those who have offered to help me, Thank you so much, but I no longer need anything really. I made my money back, and bought another...
My in game name would be Stevenator14, I'll be on in a little bit. I made some money back from selling all my vote keys, but I'm working on it....
That would be amazing if you aren't going to use it. To Staff: I talked to larrythebird101 in game and showed him the problem. If you need me...
That would be WAY amazing... I got one for my friend but for now I have an extra Titan pick... Thanks so much again!
Thanks for the help :D I'll try to talk to someone about it later!
If you need me to show you or anyone else I can.
It's not a hacker, it's a glitch with where the PVP zone is placed from what I know. It's on the side of the mine, and doesn't say PVP or...
I forgot, and sorry if I'm not allowed to do this, let me know. @PandaBear__ @Lola Perez Thanks to you guys :D Hope to get this cleared up soon!