Ily guys <3 Top 4 are those I talk to a lot @SuperMatt11 @Axis458 (TheDarkGolem) @454D4D41 (oftenNerdy) @Zaq Others I love but don't talk to as...
If you like parkour, and just want to have some fun messing around with some parkour challenges, go into creative mode and go do my plot! /p h...
:( I love all de kitties
Your grammar is a way of showing how professional you are, not having it isn't the worst thing, but seriously, do you want to be anything like...
I'm sorry, do you appreciate it when someone who has no experience in the education system makes decisions that affect those people in the...
I don't care about your opinion because I've never seen you on infection once. If you don't currently play and understand the style of which the...
READ THIS ALL. Then understand the important rule that the over power bow plays. Without the bow, it's just like when a map is too human-biased,...
You don't understand. Without bows there are places where players can't be killed at all. It's better to have everyone die in a round then to have...
I do it almost every time now XD Pisses everyone off Zaq and SteveKitten make it together ^_^ @Scor @Quertiss @Ordi
I bet you aren't even Titan.
I've never met an evil person who dislikes cats though :(
Why'd you have to insult cats :'(
@Quertiss Unfollowed.
I like all staff, except that one that doesn't like cats... you know who you are D:<
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SteveKitten The offender's exact ingame name:...
If this were a workout then yeah but it's not :/
Everything hurts... I wish I could go a year into the future so I could just know already...