Need teammates OoO
SO MUCH FUN! I Missed the server while I was gone for a couple of days. :( Missed you guys so much! Was also wondering if anyone would like to...
welcome back! good to see you again
welcome..? and what the heck... I don't understand this.
No problem! I see you always on and helping the players in the server!
Trying to get 50 posts so I can apply! This application inspired me!
Support and gl
LOVE it! Support! This would help for Infection, Skywars, Hunger Games etc!
Thanks I also have created another map! check it out! (This one is way better)
Hello this is my 2nd map! I tried, Hope you like. Builders: ItzTristaan Owner: ItzTristaan Leave suggestions in comment section below.
Ya xD It was so fun, but then there were those dumb party poopers.
Watch the new video? And also I think it's pretty good because it has a mine, house, waterfall, tree's and lot's of hiding spots.
So or No?
Okay Guys so recently I saw that Pat, Alyssa and Dev had created a custom Infection lobby map! This inspired me to make own, map but not lobby, a...
EULA is there because, they do not want players making money off of their game. Including that you could make 400$ but Mojang would not get...
Agree, It's such a silly rule.
Hey, want to create a map with me? Wondering if you could discord me as well. Plus contact Alyssa and she could help to?