that's a client tho!
You just told my brother you took the picture.. wtf man I thought you didn't hack D:
wait nvm its a clien omg who took the pic?
No its a glitch and its annoying af.. everyone can use it
Lets keep this on topic hopefully get rid of this pos pool.. ill be on later I gotta go pick some people up in a few then having another cookout...
Support! annoying asf
idc if im not active enough on other gamemodes.. just like all these mods. ive never seen a single one of the new mods on facs but can a mod lock...
[ATTACH] ARK_Bacon ARK_Bacon "blackmailing" Im reporting my self to get my ban started early ;)
ARK_Bacon LightStrafez Advertising [ATTACH]
You don't even know me or come on factions to see all the hackers. So unless you come on factions more than 3 times youll know what I mean if you...
Thank god I didn't get mod bc then I wouldn't be making my own server with a few friends.
I'm also asking a perm banned on someone that's been banned 3 times already
As shown in the rules for hacking first ban is either 30 or 31 days and then the second is a perm banned so I think its only fair to follow the...
THANK YOU finally someone see's what I see
Right before itssniper lost his moderator he was on facs more than any mod id ever seen and he played and made a faction and during that time...
I think a mod should pop in more than 1 every week or two. your the first mod on in over a week or two unless the others was just banning someone...
nah because it wont bother me soon because my fac and I will be hopping servers to ours and another one soon.. hopefully less hackers
if only you could be