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ARK_Bacon AdiosPvp Hacking: Reach and aura and he also does more damage than someone who has 3k axes while adios only has 1k [MEDIA]
no support
Payable was flying in wild and I got proof of it and he is saying he didn't see any rule saying he can't
Thank you
Didn't you get demoted for flying in wild on facs?
You're a new mod you're excluded from this. I'm talking about the mods from like a week ago and longer. They never come to factions until I made...
never seen you in factions
yes you was one of the 2 mods that came on daily not to just ban someone but yuou came and played
there are barely ever any mods on facs no matter what. and player count has nothing to do with hackers
I won't change my mind. I've never even seen you around
yeah ive never seen you in facs
In game name? Your probably mad that I can kill you. and what tree did I ever get on?
My point proven like one of 2 mods that came on DAILY and there was like maybe 1-4 hackers when they was on. But when they got demoted the hackers...
ARK_Bacon ARK_BaconLickAss Innapriote name=3 day ban then if not changed after that he is banned until changed or perm ban, I forget exactly[ATTACH]
ARK_Bacon RobbyGamerYT Hacking, It's so obvious [MEDIA]
ARK_Bacon Sextinq advertising and innaportiate name [ATTACH]