stfu man
100% Support. I dont know a better Person than you to become Moderator.
Ok, Im Sorry, But can you atleast give my Titan back on KitPvP Please? http://www.mineverse.com/posts/378551/
oh sorry :(
No Support.
oh who says I cant do it?
Whats that?
Stfu man EDIT: Wtf is this?
Stfu scrub
Mostly, All Moderators, But the main offender, Was @PopIs_MyLife Now its kinda slipping to @PandaBear__ . @PandaBear__ Shouldnt be Demoted, Just...
I do understand that. I made this thread because I want the Moderators to pick up the act and Start LOOKING AT WHO THEY ARE BANNING. Mineverse is...
I did get banned for nothing, As a matter of fact. Did you even read the thread? I said Except for a few people. I have been patent and will...
Staff Dont try their hardest, I can confirm that now. Now I have made this thread, FINALLY Some Mod has looked at my Ban Appeal. I can even...
I always though @jarroyonaples Would do fine. He was been on Minevetse for a long time, Havent seen anything major from him. But Id go with what...