i want this rank
2fa is enabled on forums i have about 50 posts on forums but most of them got deleted bc they were stupid questions. i've had an account on...
My in game name is nohaxjustbawling , my time zone is central, i live in round rock, i speak some spanish and mostly english,i have twitch and...
Game name:Nohaxjustbawling TimeZone: Central Country: USA Languages:English,some Spanish Meaning to be mod: Im good at spotting hackers and im...
Legend_pvp_mrome Centrial United states Englash My evedence is i will bann them if they do something wrong but first give them a warning I wont to...
i know that
what do you mean huh?
hey im just saying why did i become a member but not a staff member? xD
legend_pvp_mrome centrail United states English The means of me wanting to get guard is to teach peaple to not cheat or they will be banned and...