No Support. Needs more detail.
Hey guys and thanks PvP_Forever but if you want to come play with me sometime I now play on the server GotPvP. :)
Your ingame name: ninjasap421 (person in the video is samuelgamer123) The offender's ingame name: jackinatoner A description of what rule they...
Hey quad im quitting. So I just thought if you want to come play with me sometime im playing on a server called GotPvP
Damage indicators mod is not allowed...
And how would you know?
I may come back
EDIT: I am going to add mastertucker to my friends list
Bye Chris im leaving.
Bye quad im leaving
And I may be on the mineverse forums now and then. But I am not going to be really active
No Support.
Hey guys so I am leaving mineverse, I am leaving mineverse because in my opinion mineverse is infested with hackers and i am frustrated with...
Why did Cypriot resign? :(
Ok sorry samuel
You can't report for that lol