Blaming others is the worst excuse I've ever heard.
Same samuel I quit hacking and no support.
Basically, Only people related to your ban can post in that ban appeal
Ban him.
Accepted!! Welcome to Surge!
Hey Onion havnt seen you in a long time
What is the server Pixie?
You cant play this video it says "This video contains content from Gadfly Communications and UMG, one or more of whom have blocked it in your...
ok fine i was talking about something else and stop spamming this thread
He posted in that thread that I quit not him. Moron
Because I gave my 6.5k to PvP_Forever
I dont know exactly but around there
I dont play anymore...
Quad I quit kit pvp but am I still allowed to accept?
I'm pretty sure CypriotMerks or Noobcrew has access to ip ban. Maybe you can contact them.
Maybe ip ban?
I know some people will not belive me but im pretty sure idminecraft and all his accounts are __TNUK__ aka killedlikeaboss he has told me once he...