Stacker the only sport you play is pro eating
Dyna didnt say something wrong with shorty people just he blames to be strong and tall and "works out' ;p
Listen boi (Why you so short)
Realy wow forgot some one
<3 Ily2
Today Is The Day Stacker (don't fail me)
Ingame Name: StackerisHarmbae/ Laithothebeast What rank are you: Sponsor thx to Stacker7 <3 Why you want it. Stacker ... u already know ;p
... i wich i am even in this clan
NoTerror please read the requirements before trying
Thank you for considering my application
1 Laithothebeast 2 No 3 15 4 5-6 hours weekdays 10-12 hours weekend 5 8-10 6 Sponsor 7 2 years 8 I want to join a clan And wan a be with Bones and...
good luck
Stacker that will be me when you get mod
Man i wont quit unless I get banned youre the best friend i can ask for and you will get mod keep trying nothing goes to waist