the player is currently offline, he will be muted when online.
Np :) as for the scammer, he will be banned.
I will give you 100k from my in-game money
lol i'm a pvp mod, that's not nice .-. jk xD
if they hate me i don't care, i can do my job even if they are hating me, if they report me for something i always got my evidence of it not being...
goodnight man :>
did you ever get your rank ?
it's not about all the support from the players
why '' Has to be supported by 4 staff and 50 members'' ?
i disliked because of this : [IMG]
this player is offline, he will be warned when come back online.
24 hours to provide evidence.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
he will be warned. as for you, you will be banned for using hacks.
Sure, why not <^-^/
Oh thx xD