i'm not picking fights, i'm a mod, but i'm trying to see what he will do if i keep going, because he should know better to not call people rude...
ya he does hack but to ban him for this even if i know he does we still need proof to ban him :( sorry that's how it works
no don't worry about that
well knowing him, he does hack, but you still need proof, do you have a video or anything?
you need more proof of him hacking, a picture isn't enough to prove that he was actually hacking.
but all i can help you with is that he never told me to ban him, so you can get rid of the ''getting a mod to abuse'' part.
i don't know, i never knew anything of this convo because he never told me and i don't want to be a part of it
i can but it's funny when they keep saying bad stuff about me xD
I'm just replying to the people that tagged me
Nice one xD
***********************************************************************************************************************Unbanned. @ScoFu13 @HeyitsAlexa
it's not abuse, i told you that in-game, it's abuse if someone knew
maybe you didn't read what i said, you can get banned for mini-modding, i didn't say i was going to ban you
well your online right now and it looks like your not lagging or anything
i can't find you
epicwolf what's your in game name