Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
infection is currently down, when it comes back up she will be banned, but until i will close this report.
it was a mistake, if it was like a scam or something we could of tried giving your money back, but i only have 444...million so i can't, sorry
so you paid him 1.7T? i don't think we can do anything, it was your mistake.
i will go on creative to his plot to check
I lost my plot to, had a lot of pickaxes and voter keys but it's ok with me :) I will try getting more, so your not the only one that lost their...
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it's not hacks, it's the server, knock back is kinda broken so sometimes you don't get it.
they aren't hacking, as you know this server is having problems with 1.8 and there's no knock back for some reason, so they aren't hacking, sorry.
this player wasn't hacking as you can see at sec(0:19) to (0:21) it shows he wasn't hacking this report is invalid.
oh kinda like ''/p h'', some servers have been broken because of 1.8, if i'm correct, cypriotmerks and noobcrew are working on fixing these...
do you have any evidence? 24 hours to provide evidence.
what your trying to say is that you can't do /p h ?