Well hello i have not heard anything from max for 4 weeks and he said last time you no its wrong then why did u do it i answered him and have not...
Zero is right no proof on him and zero dose not hack just high axe skill and i no that zero will never go out to pvp with out potions and with his...
Kitkat But i really Do not wont to let everyone see who it is
I have prof that she was hacking if you wont me to send it to you just contact me because i dont wont her being abused on other servers
Sam But i dont care about anyone else's application only mine
Uh what
thats okay
thank u
I hope u have a good Shot Trust me I Just put my application in For op factions and normal Factions i think it would help if you played alot more...
Hello Many People No Me As XxNooobSlayerxX or Cody I Would Like To Apply To Be A Mod On This Server Because I Have Played On Hear Since The Server...