is it 169
Well i got on today and a saw that my base today and it was blow to bits lion was there and i dont know how he would have found it tho because...
Hello This Is PsychoKrafter Saying He Hacks[ATTACH]
ducky i got video prof
Guys stop Fighting Do It In Game Not On A Mod Application And Ducky 4647 Dose Have A point you always say in chat rude thing to other people and...
Dude if you dont wont him to be mod dont make a huge thing about it omg keep it to your self
i im going online now
Lol xD
I think to much sometimes 4647
Its Just To help but all the words in there are true
Im Awsome And Sexy
fuse would u be able to vote for me so i could rank up
And people who say 4647 hacks you are wrong he is just a good player and he dose respect the other members on the server if it was not for him i...
its okay just hope you get it becasue we really need a good op faction mod that comes online not saying the other mods are not good its just they...
Support all The Way ur always kind to everyone on the server and are a good friend to most i think people should see you as a good man in the mine...
Ign: xXNooobSlayerXx Gamemode Banned on: Op factions Link to accepted:...
thats a good deal
yes but it is not scamming unless u paid him
No my Question has not been fully answered because Max has not been on for how long now
Well hello i have not heard anything from max for 4 weeks and he said last time you no its wrong then why did u do it i answered him and have not...