Soul One of ur mods is saying they will not unban him because he was hacking and there is o prof that he was so plz unban him and get ride of Soul...
No but come on 6 hour straight that's not enough
go ask the people on survival and see
hello 3 days ago i was scammed i had to get 30 spawner's for Mcproster and he said he will get me titan so i thought yeh what the hell that will...
U think i care lel
Hey We have a coupon for easter
u think people respect u as mod no they dont i went around asking people on the servers they dont so u have no say in this
stop being a tool why do u think i came to staff report to report the moderators for not looking at what was happening i put around 7 reports up...
Ares Are u joking what do you think i have done so many times omfg
Im report the mod because he is never on to stop these things he is a great mod but needs to get on sometimes and find the hackers and ban them
thank you Recongnized because most of ur players on op factions have left because of him and i have 2 im just waiting for MR_B3N_123 to tell me...
Ares i never said that he was just tracking down my base's from all diffrent factions like ElitePvP and all the good factions and the hole...
no im not reporting u because u did not protect my base im reporting u because u dont care nd all the mods on op fac have hear what lionis doing...
Im reporting All the Report mods Because i went back to my base and plus one of the op factions mods keep un banning Lion so he can do what ever...
kk um or just restart op factions
Yes He hass got into the consol and started tracking Where ever u go so if ur a rich player and u go to ur vault and he knows ur SCREWED if he can...
yes a bit the new report mod because they just screwed the server with out listening know he rules op factions and hehas everyones basse's
F****** everyone That dose normal reports for like hacking and stuff and i ask one simple question if the could watch lionbdcraft because there is...
okay noobcrew i have sent a report and i asked if they could watch lion or look at console i was told they cant use console so if someone could...
Well we don't have any evidence but u can go to ur server console and have a look where lions been and there is your prof because he hacked like...