:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:hungover: Well im done
Banging my Head off the Wall :L:L #thereisnospacesinhastag
I Hate Dogs I love Unicorns I Hate Youtube Buffering
Lol Madison sorry for the inconvidience #imamtrullyanidiot :L
Thank you BlueberryWaffle :L
So i was planning on making a Shop so i did /setwarp named it and went offline for a week. And i forget the Warp. Is there anyway i could find out...
Your one of My favorite Moderators in the Mineverse Forums even though i never seen you in game yet
I Agree with You :L
I remember you With my Mod application so.....
Love it i salute you Sir!!!
U can See Him in the First Picture That he is Climbing Hes nor On the Top Ladder or The Ladder to theLeft
I Salute u Sir I Shall Support U You Seem Like a Cool Type:pomp::cool:
Template is Not Presented And not Detailed Enough
There is Another Hacker Found Here he is trying to use the Hack CLIMB [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thank you I will fix the problem As as soon as possible
How old are you : I am 14 years old born on the 21 of september Your in-game name: My in-game username is {KingKcK123} What timezone...
I Hope he Gets Banned For good Because Hacking Is Totally Not Alound on The Servers Or any Kind In fact
His Name is Tristano123 Hacker Alert: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
New to the Server Hope to make a Diffrence ;)