Hello MiNeVeRSe 4 days ago i lost my donator wepons on gta. Reason: i was fighting whit a group of people i got hitted by a torch the knockback...
Nope i have the plugin to
I got vip And i lost them
So if thats true why dont they edit the gun plugin thats a peace of cake?!
So again one chain one grafity one ARROW and one torch gone
Thats just the thing we need to figger out. Cuz the spawn eggs are getting all out of stock. You already cant buy anymore wolf/mushroom and squit....
Thnx for the suport i think its the best to have a general shop on skyblock.....(im a great builder) maybe i can build one for on skyblock and...
Maybe is it posible to have a litle shop on the server where you can buy spawn eggs. Or maybe its i idea to make a choiche when you buy the...
Yea thats just the problem i got hit by a TORCH the knockback was so hard so my mc chreshed
Hello MiNeVeRSe i just lost all my DONOR WEAPONS. I had one TORCH one ARROW one gunpowder and one chain, i got a screenshot of me and the WEAPONS...
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