h t t p : / / i m g u r . c o m / a / t J E s G doesnt look like it
dude where are u why u leave (this is popfrizz1 btw)
somone said it to me after i got them muted for 2 hours but it wasnt becasue of that it was because i said i didnt like his song so much because...
nvm its bad again
has it ever happened because well lets see somone told me to go kys and iv reported him for spam and calling me something bad iff he did this...
its working now idk what happened
dude creative lag can u come help
um what gets a perm mute or a perm ban?
what gets a perm mute or a perm ban?
mute i mean
what gets a perm ban or a perm mtue
after um having a temp mute then saying to kill ur self does that give them a perm mute?
so are u guys planing on doing it
will you guys update it to 1.12? that would be so cool
i am on a creative plot but im lagging because of all the monster spawners can u please tp on and help?
https://www.mineverse.com/threads/spam-and-mean-chat.127244/ may u please check this report thank u (o and im like mini mod kinda im not somone...
thanks i mean not thats XD
thats ordi and (btw this is popfrizz1 i got somone :D)
https://www.mineverse.com/threads/spam-and-mean-chat.127244/ can u check this report please
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: popfrizz1 The offender's exact ingame name:...