wha my 5 messages what the
janice i need so much help can u please help i got the god rank im on creative rn and its not working my ign is popfrizz1 please help
quertiss did u fix it (popfrizz1 the guy who had problems with his rank on creative)
um my god isnt working or showing on creative my ign is popfrizz1 may u please fix it thank u so much
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:popfrizz1 The offender's exact ingame name:IanBuggs A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:popfrizz1 The offender's exact ingame name:Wildests A...
hey um i cant get on creative somone told me to tp to them and when i did it kicked me to the lobby and when ever i go on creative it sends me to...
i cant get in!
i mean it is tommorow
july fourth?
um queriss im looking into getting titan but i want to know when there will be a summer sale or if there will be thanks
okay thanks for responding
sparky when ever i do /friends or /staff it does not work
spark why does /staff or /friends work on creative anymore
can u sell plots to others on creative
and i am not banned or temp banned
h t t p : / / i m g u r . c o m / a / t J E s G delete the spaces i am dead in creative i cant spell respawn o need help i cant play creative...
i tried 25 times
h t t p : / / i m g u r . c o m / a / t J E s G (popfrizz1) look im dead in creative i cant get back cuz it kicks me because i have to many packets!
h t t p : / / i m g u r . c o m / a / t J E s G i bout a thing to spawn did not work (Popfrizz1) im dead and u can see it here